Therapy for PTSD, Anxiety & Perinatal Trauma

Specializing in EMDR Therapy for Teenagers, Adults, Moms, & Moms-To-Be

Does any of this sound familiar to you?

  • You feel like you’re always worried about something, and feel like you can’t turn the anxiety off.

  • You feel a lot of pressure to achieve and do things perfectly.

  • When you make a mistake, it feels earth-shattering.

  • You frequently are worried about what others think of you, and are afraid of judgment or rejection.

  • You are often very critical of yourself.

  • You struggle with having healthy relationships with others.

  • No matter what you do or achieve, you never feel good enough.

    Or maybe you:

  • Are having intrusive thoughts about past event(s) that are interfering with your present.

  • Are having frequent nightmares or difficulty sleeping.

  • Are avoiding places or people that remind you of something distressing.

  • Have endured a traumatic prenatal loss during (e.g., miscarriage, stillbirth, or termination for medical reasons).

  • Are consumed with guilt or shame and are struggling to move forward.

  • Are struggling with acclimating to being a new mom due to your own childhood trauma.

  • Want to be a good mom, have a healthy attachment with your baby, but just don’t know how.

You are not alone. Life can feel really overwhelming at times trying to navigate it all, especially when you’ve walked through some hard experiences in the past. But you don’t need to face it by yourself. There is hope for moving forward.


Exhausted from past traumas interfering with your present life? Whether it is a childhood trauma or something more recent, one traumatic event or multiple, we can work through these memories so that you can finally move forward with your life.


Tired of constant worrying and intrusive thoughts? Things can feel better. Learn effective coping tools to deal with your anxiety, identify where your anxiety is actually coming from, and finally find relief.


Struggling with moving forward after a miscarriage, stillbirth, TFMR, or traumatic birth? Or are you struggling with adjusting to being a new mom after you’ve had your own childhood trauma? We can process these experiences to help with finally find some relief.



Hi! I’m Michelle.

And I would love to help you.

I specialize in helping women who are struggling with PTSD, anxiety, and perinatal trauma. I am an EMDR Certified Therapist, and I help my clients identify and work through the source of their current symptoms so that they can find lasting relief. My goal is to do more than just help you cope with your current stressors, but actually help you find long-term resolution and relief.


I understand you may have questions about this process and whether I’m the right therapist for you. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation with me to get your questions answered and learn more about how I can help.


Most clients typically will meet with me weekly; however, the work we do is tailored specifically to your individual needs. We will collaborate to identify a treatment plan that suits your needs and gets you to your desired goals.


Finally find the the relief, confidence, and peace that you have wanted for so long.



Let’s bring calm & confidence back into your life.