Therapy for Anxiety


You are exhausted from dealing with anxious thoughts that won’t turn off.

From the outside looking in, it appears that you have it all together. You work hard, you are organized, you’ve experienced success either in your job, as a student, in fitness, etc. You are driven and committed. However, on the inside, you feel like you’re drowning. You feel stressed about so many things, and it feels impossible to just slow down and relax.

You’re noticing that you:

  • Feel like you have to do everything perfectly

  • Feel like an imposter

  • Worry about failing or making a mistake

  • Worry about what others think of you

  • Are afraid of being judged or rejected

  • Are struggling to manage it all

  • Are afraid to ask for help

If you make a mistake or something goes wrong with your plans, you will often throw in the towel and give up. Maybe you had planned to start eating a more nutritious diet, and if you “slip up,” you start binge eating all the sweets in the house. Or if you miss one scheduled workout, you feel like a failure and stop exercising for the next 2 weeks. Or you had to cancel a lunch date with a friend because something else important came up, and now you feel like a terrible friend and fear that your friend will reject you.

It feels like it’s all-or-nothing. You have to do everything perfectly or you’re failing. And if it’s not perfect, the cycle of anxious thoughts continue.

You want to feel calm, flexible, & confident.

You want to reign in the intrusive thoughts and be able to talk to yourself in a more confident, encouraging way that will help you reach your goals. You want to be able to show more self-compassion when you make a mistake, and not let one mistake derail your plans. You want to handle everyday stressors in your life without feeling debilitating anxiety. You want to feel capable.



Throughout the course of therapy, I will help you boost your skill set to manage anxiety and stressors more effectively. We will also collaborate to figure out where the anxiety is coming from. Together, we can identity the negative thinking patterns that are fueling the anxiety, and work towards replacing them with healthier, more accurate thoughts.

With anxiety, I tailor my approach specifically to my clients needs. For some clients, I will utilize cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques through standard talk therapy. For others, I find using an approach called Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) especially helpful for getting to and resolving the root of the anxiety.

I am a firm believer that excessive anxiety is typically rooted in traumatic or distressing event(s) from earlier in our lives. If those distressing memories go unprocessed, then the anxious cycles continue. Once we are able to work through those distressing events that are driving the anxiety, then the anxiety typically reduces thereafter.

Therapy can help you:

  • Increase your tools for managing anxiety & stress

  • Replace negative coping skills with positive coping skills

  • Significantly reduce the frequency of experiencing anxiety

  • Improve relationships

  • Increase overall confidence

You have the ability to live a calmer, more peaceful life.



Common questions about therapy for anxiety

  • This will depend on the most appropriate approach for your individual needs. If talk therapy with elements of CBT is what you need, then there likely will not be much structure, and sessions will just flow based on what we choose to discuss that day. You will let me know specific topics that you'd like to discuss, and I will offer feedback and will teach you tools along the way.

    If EMDR is the better approach for your needs, then sessions will be much more structured and focused based on the protocol of EMDR. Either way though, there will be flexibility, and I will always provide the space for you to discuss and work on what you need.

  • My goal for my clients struggling with anxiety is to be able to reduce the frequency and severity of their anxiety so that they can function more effectively in the world.

    While I cannot guarantee results, my clients that are committed to therapy and consistently utilize the skills learned in sessions almost always see positive changes.

  • Click the button above to schedule a free 15-minute, no obligation consultation. During this consultation, we will discuss why you're looking to start therapy at this time, what you're hoping to achieve, and I will share more information about how I do therapy.

    Together, we will decide if I am a good fit for your needs, and if so, I'll get you scheduled for an intake session. If not, no worries! I can help provide some referrals for other therapists that might be a better fit for your needs.