Therapy for Miscarriage, Stillbirth, & Pregnancy Loss

 Does any of this sound like what you’re going through?

  • Overwhelming grief and sadness.

  • Feeling guilty, hopeless, jealous, or angry.

  • Avoidant of certain friends, family members, pregnant women, or anything “baby-related.”.

  • Intrusive thoughts that you did something “wrong” to cause this or feeling “defective.”

  • Fear of others’ judgment or judgment towards yourself.

  • More frequent conflict with your spouse, or feeling distant from them.

  • Feeling alone.

  • Feeling like no one understands.

  • Nightmares, or difficulty sleeping.

  • Suicidal thoughts (or even “it would be okay if I didn’t wake up tomorrow").

  • Anxiety about getting pregnant again.

Miscarriage & Stillbirth

When you took that pregnancy test, and learned that you were pregnant, you were so excited for what was to come. You could picture what your sweet little one might look like, maybe thought about names, or planned out their nursery. You may have felt a little overwhelmed or scared about this new adventure, but either way, you were thrilled to welcome this precious little soul into your family.

It feels really unfair when you see friends or family members having healthy babies without a care in the world. Or even worse, when you see other women complaining about their pregnancies when they have a healthy baby still growing in their womb. It feels like no one understands this pain, and you feel like you need to stay quiet about your loss and pretend like you’re fine. But you would give anything to have your baby healthy and in your arms.

Termination for Medical Reasons (TFMR)

When you have planned a pregnancy, tried to do everything right, desperately wanted this child, but ultimately made the heartbreaking decision to end the pregnancy because of a devastating diagnosis, there really are no words to accurately describe the combination of horrible emotions you are left with. You are grieving the loss of the child that you want, but you are also consumed with guilt over your decision that you didn’t even want to make in the first place. It was an impossible choice.

You might have people in your life who nonchalantly tell you that you made the right decision, but that doesn’t feel comforting because you didn’t want to make the choice you did. You might have others who judge you for your choice when you were faced with a decision without any good outcome. You might also feel like your decision was misaligned with your own beliefs or values, and you might be judging yourself most of all because you wanted that sweet baby. You didn’t want to make this decision. You just didn’t want your baby to suffer (or you didn’t want to die and leave your older kids without a mother), but now, in turn, you are the one suffering. And you feel so alone in your guilt and pain that feels like it will never end.

In the past, you either understood why others terminated their pregnancies, but never thought that you would. Or you never could have even fathomed making this kind of decision because it didn’t align with your values. Then the doctor delivers you the excruciating news that your baby has a diagnosis that is either not compatible with life, or that their life will be filled with pain and suffering, or that you will die and leave your older children alone if you continue with the pregnancy. It is such a horrible position to be in.

Losing a baby, no matter how small, is devastating.

Maybe you’ve been trying to go through the motions, or maybe you feel like you just cannot function anymore. Maybe you’ve been avoiding friends or family who might stir up the pain of this horrible loss. Maybe you feel sick to your stomach anytime you see another pregnant woman who is getting what you desperately want.

You are just ready for some relief from the pain.

After experiencing such a horrible loss, it can be so difficult to get up and move forward. And you might even feel like you shouldn’t get up and move forward because you feel you need to honor your baby with your grief.

As someone who has also experienced devastating perinatal losses, I truly understand how hard it can be to just put one foot in front of the other after losing your much-wanted baby.


Whether you are currently going through a pregnancy loss, recently experienced one, or your loss happened years ago, therapy can help. My primary goal during our work together is to provide a warm, nonjudgmental space where your pain will finally be understood, and you know that are not alone.

In the beginning stages of therapy, we will build up our therapeutic relationship so that you feel safe, and we will figure out the best approach for your needs. This may be through traditional talk therapy, EMDR therapy, or a combination of both. Together, we will explore how your pregnancy loss(es) are impacting your current symptoms, and we will build up your ability to cope with this pain more effectively so that you can do the things you need to do (e.g., go back to work, take care of your other kids, still enjoy time with your spouse).

Then, we will process the memories causing your distress, and identify and work on shifting any negative beliefs (“I’m to blame,” “I’m defective,” etc.) that are keeping you stuck. EMDR therapy tends to be most effective in working through these traumatic events efficiently and effectively.

I will stand by your side with warmth and compassion to help you through this, all without any judgment, so that you can finally find healing and relief.

Therapy for pregnancy loss can help you:

  • Finally find relief from your grief and anxiety

  • Reduce self-blame

  • Reduce feelings of guilt or shame

  • Forgive yourself

  • Get you back to your previous level of functioning

  • Remove the tension with your spouse that this loss may have caused

  • Help you feel more confident to try to get pregnant again

You are not alone.



Common questions and concerns about therapy for miscarriage, stillbirth, & pregnancy loss

  • You will never forget about your baby, nor would I ever expect you to. It can be difficult to imagine feeling better after such a horrible loss(es), but it IS possible to find relief from this pain and still acknowledge and honor your little one’s life.

    You may still have moments of sadness, but you don’t have to be consumed by it.

  • Pregnancy loss can be so difficult on a couple. You may grieve in different ways, which can cause conflict. You, as the wife, may feel like you let your spouse down. One of you may process your grief “quicker” than the other. It can impact your intimacy.

    As you work through your grief in therapy, a lot of these issues in the relationship may also naturally improve, but we can also work on understanding how to ask for what you need from your spouse as you grieve, while also respecting what he needs as he grieves.

    I can help you with communication and problem solving skills, while also being more intentional about working on your marriage so that you can be there for one another throughout this process.

  • Click the button above to schedule a free 15-minute, no obligation consultation. During this consultation, we will discuss why you're looking to start therapy at this time, what you're hoping to achieve, and I will share more information about how I do therapy.

    Together, we will decide if I am a good fit for your needs, and if so, I'll get you scheduled for an intake session. If not, no worries! I can help provide some referrals for other therapists that might be a better fit for your needs.